Browsing by Author "Akmansu, Şefik Halit"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Adenoidektominin Orta Kulağa Etkisi: Preoperatif ve Postoperatif Timpanogram ve Otoskopik Değerlendirmenin Karşılaştırılması
Amaç: Adenoidektomi özellikle pediatrik yaş grubunda kulak burun boğaz hekimleri tarafından en sık kullanılan cerrahi yöntemlerden olup, endikasyonları genellikle ağzı açık solunum, horlama, hiponazalite, sık kulak ... -
Comparison of efficacy of different treatment methods in the treatment of idiopathic tinnitus
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ezerarslan, Hande; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Aksoy, Songül; Ay, Saime; Koldaş Doğan, Şebnem; Kocatürk, Sinan (2011)Amaç: Bu çalışmada betahistin dihidroklorid, transkütaneal elektriksel sinir stimülasyonu ve saf ses maskeleme-tinnitus eğitim terapisi (TET) yöntemleri arasında hastaların yaşam kalitesi ve septomların tedavisi üzerindeki ... -
The comparison of thermal tissue injuries caused by ultrasonic scalpel and electrocautery use in rabbit tongue tissue
The aim of this study compares to the increase in tissue temperature and the thermal histological eff ects of ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar and unipolar electrosurgery incisions in the tongue tissue of rabbits. The is study ... -
The cytotoxic effect of nasodren nasal spray (cyclamen europaeum extract) in L929 fibroblastic cell culture
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Gürpınar, Özer Aylin; Onur, Mehmet Ali; Alhan, Aslıhan (2011)Na sod ren na sal spray (Cycla men eu ro pa e um ex tract), is used in so me co - un tri es as an al ter na ti ve the ra pe u tic agent for si nu si tis. The aim of this study was to ives ti ga te the pos sib le cyto to ... -
Diagnosis and management of cornu cutaneum of nasal vestibule: a rare case report
Ezerarslan, Hande; Başaran, Mustafa Mert; Akmansu, Şefik Halit (Hindawi Ltd, 2015)Cornu cutaneum is a relatively uncommon projectile, irregular, hyperkeratotic nodule that can be seen in places such as scalp, forehead, eyelids, ear, nose, lips, and upper extremities which are subjectable to sunlight. ... -
The effect of subcutaneous Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) injection on rabbit auricular cartilage autograft viability
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Doğan, Cem; Ezerarslan, Hande; Han, Ünsal; Sağlam, Mehmet; Kocatürk, Sinan (Assoc Basic Medical Sci Federation Bosnia & Herzegovina Sarajevo, 2012)Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1.) is one of the significant substances affecting the growth and development of cartilage tissue in the body. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible histopathological effects ... -
Evaluation of the clinical effects of isotretinoin on chronic rhinosinusitis
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Yalçınkaya, Esin; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Alhan, Aslıhan; Erdoğan, Fatma Gülru; Tuğrul, Burcu (2011-6-17)Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the clinical effects of isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), a derivative of retinoic acid, on the clinical features of chronic rhinosinusitis. Patients and Methods: The study ... -
Giant thyroid nodule atypically located in the carotid triangle of the neck: a case report
Ectopic thyroid tissue is a rare pathology of the thyroid that is formed by the abnormal migration of the thyroid tissue. It is seen once in about every 100.000 to 300.000 births and is generally asymptomatic. Asymptomatic ... -
Is pimecrolimus cream (1%) an appropriate therapeutic agent for the treatment of external ear atopic dermatitis?
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Doğan, Cem; Taştan, Eren; Topal, Ferda; Sabuncuoğlu, Bizden (Int Scientific Information, Inc, 2012)Background: In recent years, pimecrolimus 1% cream has been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis in patients when applied topically. Material/Methods: In our study we compared the therapeutic effects of ... -
Recurrent acute parotitis without total resolution iscalled chronic parotitis. Acute parotitis is usuallycaused by viral or bacterial infection. There have beenfew cases reported with foreign body insertion toparotid gland ... -
Nazal cerrahide otolog plateletten zengin plazma uygulanan ve uygulanmayan hastaların postoperatif takiplerinde yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması
Kuzucu, İhsan (Ufuk Üniversitesi, 2014)Amaç: Doku iyileşmesinde pozitif etkileri bilinen otolog PZP'nın, nazal cerrahide kullanımı sonrası hastaların postoperatif yaşam kalitesine olan etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ufuk Üniversitesi Kulak ... -
New inflammatory parameters in laryngopharyngeal reflux
Objectives: To investigate new inflammatory markers in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux and determine whether these inflammatory parameters change in response to laryngopharyngeal reflux treatment. Methods: Complete ... -
A rare cause of nasal obstruction: giant invasive nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma
Nasal obstruction is a very rare symptom caused by a pituitary adenoma. A 57-year-old man admitted to our clinic with bilateral nasal obstruction for the last six months. Endoscopic examination revealed soft pinkish pulsatile ... -
The relationship between heterotopic gastric mucosa in the cervical esophagus and laryngopharyngeal reflux
Ezerarslan, Hande; Çoban, Mehmet; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Erkan, Gülbanu; Değertekin, Bülent; Kocatürk, Sinan (2012)This study aims to investigate the possible correlations between the heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM) islets in the cervical esophagus and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Between May 2010 and April 2011, 45 patients (36 ... -
Servikal özofagus yerleşimli heterotopik gastrik mukoza ile larengofarengeal reflü ilişkisi
Ezerarslan, Hande (Ufuk Üniversitesi, 2011)Amaç: Özofagus yerleşimli heterotopik gastrik mukoza adacıkları ile larengofarengeal reflü hastalığı arasında korelasyon varlığını araştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Mayıs 2010 ? Nisan 2011 tarihleri arasında reflü semptom ... -
Successful treatment of a case with cervical lymphatic malformation: Repeated bleomycin sclerotherapy
Lymphatic malformations (LM) are benign congenital malformations of the lymphatic system. They are frequently seen in the neck and sometimes can be life-threatening due to compression to the airway. Treatment modalities ...