Browsing by Author "Beriat, Güçlü Kaan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Comparison of efficacy of different treatment methods in the treatment of idiopathic tinnitus
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ezerarslan, Hande; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Aksoy, Songül; Ay, Saime; Koldaş Doğan, Şebnem; Kocatürk, Sinan (2011)Amaç: Bu çalışmada betahistin dihidroklorid, transkütaneal elektriksel sinir stimülasyonu ve saf ses maskeleme-tinnitus eğitim terapisi (TET) yöntemleri arasında hastaların yaşam kalitesi ve septomların tedavisi üzerindeki ... -
The comparison of thermal tissue injuries caused by ultrasonic scalpel and electrocautery use in rabbit tongue tissue
The aim of this study compares to the increase in tissue temperature and the thermal histological eff ects of ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar and unipolar electrosurgery incisions in the tongue tissue of rabbits. The is study ... -
The cytotoxic effect of nasodren nasal spray (cyclamen europaeum extract) in L929 fibroblastic cell culture
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Gürpınar, Özer Aylin; Onur, Mehmet Ali; Alhan, Aslıhan (2011)Na sod ren na sal spray (Cycla men eu ro pa e um ex tract), is used in so me co - un tri es as an al ter na ti ve the ra pe u tic agent for si nu si tis. The aim of this study was to ives ti ga te the pos sib le cyto to ... -
The effect of subcutaneous Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) injection on rabbit auricular cartilage autograft viability
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Doğan, Cem; Ezerarslan, Hande; Han, Ünsal; Sağlam, Mehmet; Kocatürk, Sinan (Assoc Basic Medical Sci Federation Bosnia & Herzegovina Sarajevo, 2012)Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1.) is one of the significant substances affecting the growth and development of cartilage tissue in the body. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible histopathological effects ... -
Effects of the autologous platelet-rich plasma in nasal pack on postoperative quality of life
Kuzucu, İhsan; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ezerarslan, Hande; Özdemir, Sedat; Kocatürk, Sinan (2017-01-07)Aim: The authors aimed to research the effects of autologous platelet-rich plasma, which is known for the positive effects on wound healing, on postoperatif living quality of the patients after using on nasal ... -
The efficacy of submucosal tramadol in the postoperative treatment of pain following septoplasty operations
Ekmekçi, Perihan; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Bengisun, Züleyha Kazak; Kazbek, Baturay Kansu; Duman, Peyami; Süer, Hikmet (2013)Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid which is effective for moderate-severe pain and is being used for various acute and chronic pain scenarios. The primary endpoint of this controlled, randomized double blind study ... -
Evaluation of the clinical effects of isotretinoin on chronic rhinosinusitis
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Yalçınkaya, Esin; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Alhan, Aslıhan; Erdoğan, Fatma Gülru; Tuğrul, Burcu (2011-6-17)Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the clinical effects of isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), a derivative of retinoic acid, on the clinical features of chronic rhinosinusitis. Patients and Methods: The study ... -
The evalution of central auditory processing in the geriatric population
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Özkan, Soner (Gunes Kitabevi Ltd. Şti., 2012)Introduction: C: The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the frequency auditory pattern recognition test (FAPRT) and the duration auditory pattern recognition test (DAPRT) have a place in the routine audiologic ... -
Giant thyroid nodule atypically located in the carotid triangle of the neck: a case report
Ectopic thyroid tissue is a rare pathology of the thyroid that is formed by the abnormal migration of the thyroid tissue. It is seen once in about every 100.000 to 300.000 births and is generally asymptomatic. Asymptomatic ... -
Histopathologic evaluation of hyaluronic acid and plasma-rich platelet injection into rabbit vocal cords: an experimental study
Özgürsoy, Selmin Karataylı; Tunçkaşık, Fatma; Tunçkaşık, Mehmet Emin; Akıncıoğlu, Egemen; Doğan, Handan; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan (Galenos Yayincilik, 2018)Objective: Various materials are used by otolaryngologists for vocal cord injections in the management of vocal cord paralysis. An ideal injection material should be long-term effective, readily available, cheap, easy to ... -
Is pimecrolimus cream (1%) an appropriate therapeutic agent for the treatment of external ear atopic dermatitis?
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Akmansu, Şefik Halit; Doğan, Cem; Taştan, Eren; Topal, Ferda; Sabuncuoğlu, Bizden (Int Scientific Information, Inc, 2012)Background: In recent years, pimecrolimus 1% cream has been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis in patients when applied topically. Material/Methods: In our study we compared the therapeutic effects of ... -
İzole hipoglossus sinir felci: Bir olgu sunumu
Kraniyal sinir paralizisi, kraniyal sinirlerin göreceli olarak radyasyona dirençli olmaları nedeni ile baş ve boyun kanserlerinde radyoterapinin nadir komplikasyonu olarak, nadiren ortaya çıkar. Farklı çalışmalarda bu ... -
Kulak arkası dijital işitme cihazlarında ses hortumu değişikliğinden kaynaklanan kazanc artışlarının frekans bazında belirlenmesi
Doğan, Cem; Kocatürk, Sinan; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan (2012)Giriş: Araştırmada kulak arkası, dijital işitme cihazı kullanan hastaların ses hortumlarında zamanla oluşan deformasyonların cihazdan elde edilen kazanca olan etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ters ... -
The levels the effects of PPI use on clostridium difficile serum antigen levels
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ezerarslan, Hande; Şeker, Rabia; Kocatürk, Sinan; Demirtaş, Selda (Derman Medical Publ, 2013)Aim: To evaluate the effects of proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) use on distrubtion of intestinal flora by measuring serum Clostridium Difficile antigen levels before and at the end of a three- months treatment in patients with ... -
Microdebrider tonsillotomy in children with obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ezerarslan, Hande; Kocatürk, Sinan (2013-11-01)Aim: To compare intracapsular microdebrider tonsillotomy with conventional cold dissection tonsillectomy in the management of tonsillar hypertrophy causing obstructive airway problems in children. Material and Method: 37 ... -
Nazolabial kist: MRG bulguları
Nazolabial (nasoalveolar) kistler nasal alar bölgenin nadir görülen non-odontojenik benign lezyonlarıdır. Bu lezyonlar asemptomatik olabilecekleri gibi nasal obstrüksiyon, ağrı ya da yüzde deformite yapabilirler. Nazolabial ... -
A neck epidermal keratinous cyst infected with morganella morganii. Neck epidermal cyst
Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Doğan, Cem; Ezerasrslan, Hande; Kocatürk, Sinan (Derman Medical Publ, 2012)Neck keratinous cyst infected with Morganella Morganii have not been reported yet. We report case of 25 years old male patient with a keratinous cysts abscess infected by Morganella Morganii which was located at midline neck. -
Non-invasive detection and monitoring of experimental hydrocephalus with distortion product otoacoustic emissions
Ezerarslan, Hande; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Nurhat, Raziye Handan; Kazancı, Burak; Çelikkan, Ferda Topal; Sabuncuoğlu, Bizden; Sabuncuoğlu, Hakan (2016)Objective: We aimed to find out the effects of short term and long term hydrocephalus and intracranial ventricular volume changes on cochlear functions by using distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) in experimental ... -
The oblique split method: A novel technique for carving costal cartilage grafts
Taştan, Eren; Yücel, Ömer Taşkın; Aydın, Emine; Aydoğan, Filiz; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Ulusoy, Mustafa Gürhan (American Medical Association, 2013)Importance: Autogenous rib cartilage is widely used in the septorhinoplasty cases with major structural grafting requirements. However, there is a risk of warping over time. Objective: To introduce a novel method for carving ... -
Oropharyngeal angioneurotic edema due to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator following massive pulmonary thromboembolism
Ekmekçi, Perihan; Bengisun, Züleyha Kazak; Kazbek, Baturay Kansu; Akmansu, Halit; Beriat, Güçlü Kaan; Süer, Arif Hikmet (2011-05-12)Although hypersensitivity reactions secondary to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) are rarely encountered, they may have important consequences. In this case presentation, oropharyngeal angioneurotic edema ...